Outreach Ministries

Serving Others, While Serving God

Ministry Groups for Everyone

Here at St. Rebecca, we pride ourselves on making a space for everyone and invite you to join our ministry groups, fellowship, study and service.  Join us in our exciting journey of faith and be encouraged and rewarded with renewed spirituality.  



Music Ministry

Through the music ministry, the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared. Our music ministry leads the congregation in worship and praise and encourages the congregation to become active participants in the worship service.

Dance & Drama Ministry

Dance and drama is the process by which we use our gift of dance to prepare the atmosphere of worship to the glory of God. The praise dancers are young members who exhibit their love of God through dance.

Rescue Mission

Dedicated members assist in serving meals monthly along with sharing a Word from God. The ministry of helps is the target of this group. We are the hands and feet needed to make a difference. Join and lend a helping hand.

Kids Kingdom

Kid's Kingdom is a summer program held during the months of June and July for ages 4-12. An array of fun-filled activities and field trips are planned by staff to promote and enhance learning.

Food Pantry

The food pantry and clothing closet is designed to provide food and clothing assistance to any individual or family in need, regardless of location or family size. Thanksgiving boxes are also provided annually to all patrons.

Matrons/Senior Aide

This team of ladies encourage unity and provide emotional and spiritual support to members. They provide personal service to the sick and shut-in and encourage young women to participate in the educational programs of the church.

Relay for Life

A team of members participate annually in fundraisers in support of The American Cancer Society. We are passionate about helping to find a cure for cancer. Illness and misfortune have no respect of person.

Marriage Ministry

This ministry is led by couples with 10 plus years of marriage. Activities include worships with various topics and presenters, the "Amazing Race", movie night, etc. All married couples and those contemplating marriage are encouraged to become part of this ministry.

Prison Ministry

This ministry seeks to serve those who are affected by crime and incarceration. Realizing that we are all made in the image of God and no one is beyond His reach, this ministry works to see those lives healed and restored.

Young Adult Ministry

This ministry works to strengthen our young adult's walk with God through an open forum where they can meet and fellowship to gain an understanding of God's Word and teachings. This is a social group with positive influence and direction toward purpose and self discovery.

Security Ministry

Typically our gatekeepers are ushers and greeters who welcome people into the house of worship with open arms. Our security staff works relentlessly to keep our members and visitors safe while on church grounds. Safety is their mission.